Building Permits |
E-Permitting for Building Permit Applications
All permit applications will be processed through the online CityView Portal, in collaboration with the County of Dufferin Building Department. Please visit the County of Dufferin Building Services webpage for checklists and help documents with respect to submitting an application.
Please contact the Township office to arrange for payment of associated fees if applicable with respect to applications (example Township Development Charges, Entrance Deposit and Fee etc.).
Municipal Approval and Building permits are required for the construction of new buildings or structures, building additions, renovations, pools, decks, sheds, and structural alterations and must comply with the provisions of the Township By-Laws. A building permit application can be obtained from the Township website on the Applications, Licences and Permits page or the administration office or at the County of Dufferin Building Department.
Please note Township Municipal Approval is required for all development even when a Building Permit is not required by the County of Dufferin Building Department under the Building Code.
Development Charges
For information regarding Township Development Charges please visit the Township's Development Charges page. Development Charges may be required at the time of submission of a building permit, please review the Township's By-Law and/or pamphlet for more details.
Please be advised that the Township does not have a fence bylaw for perimeter/boundary fences on private property, although there is a Pool Fence Bylaw that applies to all properties. Fencing along the roadway should be placed far enough from the property line so as not to cause snow issues on the roadway, and fencing should not be located within a registered easement on a property, or located within a drainage swale, if such swale exists on the subject property.
Placement of a perimeter fence on a property:
- If there is no agreement between property owners to share the fence, it is advisable for the fence to be constructed solely on the property of the owner(s).
Except in the above noted circumstances (for a pool fence or impeding a registered easement), the Township would not be involved, does not provide surveys, nor require surveys for fencing.
Minimum Distance Separation (MDS)
The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Formulae are land use planning tools that determine setback distances between livestock barns, manure storages or anaerobic digesters and surrounding land uses. The objective of the Minimum Distance Separation is to minimize land use conflicts and nuisance complaints related to odour and sensitive uses. The Minimum Distance Separation does not account for other nuisances such as noise or dust.
The Minimum Distance Separation Formulae are based on five factors:
- The type of livestock housed.
- The potential number of livestock housed (based on barn capacity or lot size).
- The percentage increase in the size of the operation.
- The type of manure system and storage.
- The type of encroaching land use.
When is Minimum Distance Separation used?
- When developments (building permits, severances, rezoning applications, etc.) are located outside of the Settlement Areas of the Township of East Garafraxa.
- To determine the appropriate setback distances for development from sensitive land uses (i.e. proposed dwelling to livestock facility).
- A Minimum Distance Separation calculation is required for a surplus dwelling if the existing dwelling and livestock facility are on the same property prior to the severance, but not if they are on two separate parcels prior to the severance.
- A Minimum Distance Separation calculation is not required for accessory structures.
- A Minimum Distance Separation calculation is not required for development on the same property as the livestock facility.
Minimum Distance Separation Calculations
Minimum Distance Separation calculations are performed via the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) AgriSuite which is an online calculator and can be performed by the applicant or by a Nutrient Management Consultant.
OMAFRA has developed computer software to help municipalities, farmers and consultants calculate MDS setbacks to determine if a proposed land use application can meet MDS I and if a proposed building permit can meet MDS II.
Visit the AgriSuite web page for information on accessing AgriSuite and for help with using the MDS software. The version of the software in AgriSuite is considered the official version of the MDS software by OMAFRA for calculating setbacks in accordance with Publication 853.
For help with Minimum Distance Separation and AgriSuite, email the Agricultural Information Contact Centre or call 1-877-424-1300.
Role of the Municipality
Municipalities are responsible for ensuring that Minimum Distance Separation setbacks are met when reviewing land use planning applications (i.e. lot creation applications) or building permits. An application may be deemed not complete without the calculation.
Minimum Distance Separation calculations are required for building permits and Planning Act applications associated and/or near livestock facilities.
Planning Notices
Township Initiated Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendment
Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendment (2024)
Notice of Public Meeting for a Township-Initiated Amendment (Housekeeping) to the Township of East Garafraxa Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 60-2004, As Amended
Township File: Z8-24
Take Notice that the Council for the Corporation of the Township of East Garafraxa will hold a Public Meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. to consider housekeeping amendments to the Township’s Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 60-2004, as amended, pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended.
The Council Meeting/Public Meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting, allowing both in-person and remote participation. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the Township Administration Office, located at 065371 Dufferin County Road 3, Unit 2, East Garafraxa, L9W 7J8. The meeting registration link is available on the Township website in the Council Calendar on the applicable date.
Purpose and Effect: The purpose and effect of the proposed housekeeping amendment to the Township of East Garafraxa Comprehensive Zoning By-law 60-2004, as amended, is to address matters to improve the application and interpretation of the By-Law. The changes include a number of formatting, technical and interpretation issues that make it easier to use.
There is no key map attached to this notice given that the provisions of this by-law shall apply to the entire Township.
For additional information including commenting periods, please review the full Notice of Public Meeting dated December 24, 2024.
A copy of the proposed draft Zoning By-Law (Housekeeping) Amendment can be found at the following link.
Official Plan Amendment No.10 (OPA1-24)
Official Plan Amendment No.10 (OPA1-24)
Please review the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting dated November 18, 2024 for additional details on the application.
The purpose of the application is to apply a site-specific policy to the proposed severed parcel, allowing an undersized lot with an area of 1.0 hectare, whereas Township Official Plan Policy 5.2.4 b ii) requires a minimum lot size of 2 hectares. The reduced size of the proposed severed parcel is due to the location of the municipal drain on the subject property and the intent to avoid fragmenting the municipal drain. The municipal drain will remain on the proposed retained lands. No changes are proposed to the Official Plan designation of the subject property.
For additional information with respect to the applications please contact Township Planning Consultant:
Jennifer Maestre, MCIP RPP, Associate, Fotenn Consultants Inc. 416-789-4530 ext. 116
Background material/documents are available for review at the Township Office during office hours.
If the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted by the Council of the Township of East Garafraxa, it will be submitted to the County of Dufferin for approval. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the County of Dufferin, in respect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, you must make a written request to:
County of Dufferin Clerk, Office of the CAO 30 Centre Street, Orangeville, ON L9W 2X1
Additional details on the application are available in the Township Planning Consultant Planning Report dated December 4, 2024.
Marsville Water System Expansion - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study
Notice of Completion Marsville Water System Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study
The Study The Township of East Garafraxa has identified that the existing water system in Marsville does not have capacity to support future water demands for approved growth. The Township completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify the preferred method of providing these demands. All lands designated within the current Community Boundary of Marsville in the Official Plan were considered.
A copy of the full notice is available at the following link NOTICE OF COMPLETION Marsville Water System Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study dated September 8, 2023.
The final report can be found at the following link Marsville Water System Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Schedule B) Project File Report - September 2023, the file is contained in a Dropbox folder due to the file size, and due to the file size, it may take a few minutes to download. A paper copy of the report is available at the Township office during office hours.
Project File Report
In accordance with the EA Act, the project file documenting Phase 1 and 2 of the project has been placed on the public record and is available for review for a minimum of 30 days starting September 8, 2023 and ending October 13, 2023. To provide comments or concerns about this project, please contact Carley Dixon and Peter Avgoustis by October 13, 2023.
R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd. Carley Dixon, P.Eng. - Project Manager 15 Townline Orangeville ON L9W 3R4 Phone: 226-486-1542
Township of East Garafraxa Peter Avgoustis - Chief Administrative Officer 065371 Dufferin County Road 3, Unit 2 East Garafraxa ON L9W 7J8 Phone: 226-259-9400
If there are outstanding concerns regarding potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, a request for an order requiring a higher level of study or conditions on those matters should be addressed in writing to the Minister of the Environment and the Director of the Environmental Assessment Branch. Requests should include the requester contact information and full name. The request should be sent by October 13, 2023, to the addresses below as well as to Carley Dixon and Peter Avgoustis.
Minister Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks 777 Bay Street, 5th Floor Toronto ON M7A 2J3
Director Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor Toronto ON M4V 1P5
More information about a request for an order (referred to as a Section 16(6) Order) can be found at the following website:
Comments about other project concerns should be directed to the Township for a response. If no orders are received, the Township intends to proceed with detailed design and construction as outlined in the project file report subject to approvals needed for detail design, municipal priorities, and financial arrangements with developers. Project and notice information will be made accessible upon request in accordance with the Accessibility Standard for Information and Communication under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. Please note that information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
Notice of Public Information Centre for the Marsville Water System Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study
Carley Dixon, P.Eng. Project Manager 15 Townline Orangeville, ON L9W 3R4 T: 226-486-1542 E:
Peter Avgoustis Chief Administrative Officer 065371 Dufferin County Road 3, Unit 2 East Garafraxa ON L9W 7J8 T: 226-259-9400 E:
The Study The Township of East Garafraxa has identified that the existing water system in Marsville does not have capacity to support future water demands for approved growth. The Township is initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify the preferred method of providing for these demands. The EA will review all lands designated within the current Community Boundary of Marsville in the Official Plan.
Public Information Centre (PIC) – Comments Invited Public consultation is vital to this study. The Township would like to ensure that anyone interested in this study has the opportunity to get involved and provide input on the project’s implementation. A PIC has been arranged to describe the proposed project and the preliminary preferred solution, obtain feedback from the public, and, identify the next steps in the process. Presentation materials pertaining to the study will be made available on the Township’s website.
PIC Drop-in Centre Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Place: Township of East Garafraxa - 065371 Dufferin County Road 3, Unit 2, East Garafraxa L9W 7J8
Please see the full Notice of Public Information Centre dated May 26, 2023 for more details.
Township of East Garafraxa Notice of Study Commencement Marsville Water System Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study
The Township of East Garafraxa has identified that the existing water system in Marsville does not have capacity available to support future water demands for growth. The Township is initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify the preferred method of providing for these demands. The EA will review all lands designated within the Community Boundary of Marsville in the Official Plan as shown in the map on the Notice.
For additional details please review the Notice of Study Commencement Marsville Water System Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study dated May 6, 2022.
EA Update: Background work is underway as part of the study including drilling test wells which will occur in November/December of 2022. We expect to have the Public Information Centre in Spring 2023 to provide the public with further information.
Marsville Estates Inc. (MEI) Proposed Subdivision
Subject Property: 063076 County Road 3, Concession 14 East Part Lot 5 (corner of County Road 3 and County Road 24 (Trafalgar))
Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Appeal - Draft Plan of Subdivision (file S1-20) and Zoning By-Law Amendment (file Z5-20)
OLT Case Numbers: OLT-22-004307, OLT-22-004308 OLT Lead Case Number: OLT-22-004307 Municipality/Upper Tier: East Garafraxa/Dufferin Subject Property Address:63076 County Road 3 Reference Numbers: Z5-20, S1-20
Please refer to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) decision dated April 25, 2024 for details on the decision regarding the Draft Plan of Subdivision and applicable Zoning By-Law Amendment.
Marsville South Proposed Subdivision
Subject Property: Concession 13, East Part Lot 5 (corner of County Road 3 and the 13th Line)
Please refer to the Notice of Complete Applications for Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-Law Amendment dated August 15, 2022 for application details.
Marsville North Proposed Subdivision
Subject Property: 191384 13th Line, Concession 13, East Part Lot 6 RP 7R1800 Parts 2 to 4 (immediately north of the existing subdivision on the north side of County Road 3)
PROJECT INFORMATION - Marsville Heritage Estates Development
The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal issued on August 8, 2018 a notice advising that the appeals (File Numbers: PL170035 and PL170036) by Marsville Heritage Estates Development were withdrawn by email received July 17, 2018.
The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearing for Marsville Heritage Estates (File: PL170035) scheduled to commence April 23, 2018 has been CANCELLED. The appeal will be processed by the Tribunal through mediation.
If you wish to see any report that is not linked, please contact 519-941-1007
- Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1), by Peto MacCallum Ltd., dated November 13, 2009 - February 25, 2014
- Planning Justification Report, by IBI Group, dated October 23, 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Hydrogeological Assessment, by WSP Canada Inc., dated May 30, 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Grading & Servicing Plan (Preliminary Design) by Edgeweir Consulting, dated October 10, 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Functional Servicing Report, by Edgeweir Consulting, dated October 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Geotechnical Investigation, by WSP Canada Inc., dated May 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Traffic Impact Assessment, by Edgeweir Consulting, dated June 18, 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Archeological Assessment (Stage 1 & 2), by The Archeologists Inc., dated July 11, 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Property Survey (7R-1800) dated October 7, 1980 - December 17, 2014
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment, by IBI Group, February 23, 2015 - February 23, 2015
- Functional Servicing Report, by Edgeweir Consulting, dated February 2015 - March 5, 2015
- Additional Shallow Groundwater Investigation, by WSP Canada Inc., dated April 28, 2016 - May 5, 2016
- Response Letter, by Khurram Tunio (owner/developer), dated May 26, 2016 - May 26, 2016
- Response Letter, by WSP, dated July 28, 2016 - July 28, 2016
- Response Letter (to comments from resident), by WSP Canada Inc., dated September 19, 2016 - September 20, 2016
- Functional Servicing Report, by Edgeweir Consulting, dated August 2016 - September 23, 2016
- Planning Justification Report, by IBI Group, dated August 22, 2016 - September 23, 2016
- Onsite Sewage System Review, prepared by Gunnell Engineering Ltd., dated September 20, 2016 - September 23, 2016
- Response Letter, by WSP Canada Inc., dated September 19, 2016 - September 23, 2016
- Engineering Plans (Concept Plan & Borehole Location, Grading Plans, Servicing Plans, Storm sewer Calculations, Stormwater Management and Details) Drawings # 1 to 10, by Edgeweir Consulting, dated July 29, 2016 - September 23, 2016
- Memorandum, by WSP Canada Inc., dated November 15, 2016 - November 15, 2016
- Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision - not signed), by IBI Group, dated October 15, 2014 - October 29, 2014
- Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision - not signed), by IBI Group, dated December 3, 2014 - December 8, 2014
- (Proposed Revision to Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision - not signed), by IBI Group, dated August 25, 2016 - September 20, 2016
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Letter dated March 25, 2014
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Letter dated August 14, 2014
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Letter dated November 21, 2014
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Letter dated December 22, 2014
Hydro One, Email dated January 26, 2015;
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, Letter dated January 28, 2015
Thomson Rogers, Letter dated January 30, 2015
Enbridge, Letter dated February 2, 2015
Canada Post, Letter dated February 4, 2015
Grand River Conservation Authority, Letter dated February 6, 2015
Bell, Letter dated February 11, 2015
Upper Grand District School Board, Letter dated February 13, 2015
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Letter dated February 17, 2015
Grand River Conservation Authority, Letter dated April 16, 2015
Six Nations Council, Letter dated April 28, 2015
Six Nations Council, Letter dated March 9, 2015
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Letter dated May 26,2015
Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport, Letter dated July 22, 2015
Grand River Conservation Authority, Letter dated September 30, 2016
AREA RESIDENTS (prior to appeal)
Marsville Holsteins Ltd./Melis Brouwer, Letter dated February 26, 2015
Peter & Teri Lidbury, Email dated January 29, 2015
- Notice of Incomplete Application Letter, by Wellings Planning Consultants Inc., dated March 4, 2014
- Notice of Complete Application, by Wellings Planning Consultants Inc., dated November 18, 2014
- R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd., April 27, 2015
- R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd., June 15, 2016
- R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd., November 7, 2016
Notice of appeal of January 3, 2017
Notice of Pre-hearing Conference at the Ontario Municipal Board April 27, 2017
Township Notice to Residents May 12, 2017 re Ontario Municipal Board
Pre-Consultation |
Pre-application consultation is recommended for development applications under the Planning Act. Skipping a pre-consultation meeting may result in delays in the planning review process due to incomplete applications.
Please see the Pre-Application Consultation Information sheet for more details.
Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Minor Variance Application Form.
Minor Variance |
Minor Variances, or exceptions to the general Zoning By-law for the Township, may be requested when a specific zoning requirement cannot be met. In order to be granted, the Variance requested must be minor in nature and generally in keeping with the overall intent of the general Zoning By-law. These applications are heard by the Committee of Adjustment.
Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Minor Variance Application Form.
Site Plan Approval |
The Site Plan Approval is an essential component of the development review process. It is intended to:
- Complement the objectives of the Official Plan;
- Conform to the requirements of the Zoning By-Law and other appropriate by-laws/regulations
- Eliminate or reduce negative impacts on adjacent land uses;
- Provide clear guidelines to help streamline and speed up the approval process.
Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Site Plan Application and Agent Authorization Form.
Severance (Consent) |
The Township is responsible for applications for Severances or Consents.
Pursuant to the Planning Act, applications for consent are required to be circulated to property owners within 60 metres of the subject property and applicable agencies a minimum of fourteen days prior to the Public Meeting. Public Meetings are held during Council meetings and Council are the decision making body. After a decision has been made by Council, the Clerks Department circulates a Notice of Decision, there is a twenty day appeal period from the date of the Notice. If the application has been approved the Notice of Decision will include the applicable conditions that need to be met prior to the consent being created. The whole process takes a minimum of three months.
For information regarding Surplus Farm Dwelling Severances please review the Township Surplus Farm Dwelling Severances pamphlet.
Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Consent Application and Agent Authorization Form.
Zoning By-Law 60-2004, as amended |
Zoning By-Law 60-2004
The Township Zoning By-Law is a legal document, which is used to control the development of properties and buildings. Zoning Classifies properties into zones such Agricultural, Rural, Estate Residential, etc. Each of these zones has legally enforceable regulations attached to them such as the location and size of building. Changes to the Zoning By-Law may be required. Information regarding these processes and applications forms can be obtained at the Municipality.
*New* Interactive Zoning Mapping
The Township of East Garafraxa in partnership with the County of Dufferin have developed Interactive Mapping for properties within the Township. The Interactive Mapping includes layers for zoning, municipal boundaries, aerial photos and more.
To find zoning information for a specific property, enter an address or roll number, into the mapping search bar at the following link Township of East Garafraxa and County of Dufferin Interactive Mapping.
Zoning By-Law Amendment Listing
For copies of Zoning By-Law Amendments NOT included in the above Zoning By-Law 60-2004, as amended, Consolidation dated January 2011, please see chart below. Applications are listed by file number (example Z1-20 would be found in the 2020 tab).
Zoning By-Law Amendments Listing (Listing of By-Laws Not Included in Zoning By-Law 60-2004, as amended, Consolidation dated January 2011) |
2024 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
13-Feb-24 |
Agricultural Sixteen Holding (A-16-H1 and A-16-H2) |
15-2024 |
065243 County Road 3 |
Concession A, Pt Lot 6 |
To rezone the subject lands from Agricultural (A) to an Agricultural Exception zone with Holding Provisions to allow for temporary parking uses on the subject site. The intent is to allow for additional vehicular parking (3,300 vehicles) to occur on the subject site for a maximum of two days which coincides with an annual event held on the property to the immediate north being 471360 Dufferin County Road 11 owned by Radha Soami Society Beas Canada (RSSB). A separate Site Plan Amendment Application has been submitted for the existing RSSB lands 471360 Dufferin County Road 11 under SPA1-24.
12-Mar-24 |
Rural Exception Eleven (RU-11) |
13-2024 |
232250 County Road 24 |
Concession 14 Part Lot 15 |
To rezone a portion of the severed lands identified as Part 1 on registered plan 7R-6860 with an area of approximately 6.73 ha / 16.6 acres from Rural (RU) to site-specific Rural (RU-11) to permit a reduced minimum lot area regulation in Zoning By-law 60-2004, as amended.
The Zoning By-law Amendment application is a condition of the associated Consent Application File B4-23.
N/A |
Agricultural Sixteen Holding 2 (A-16-H2) |
28-2024 |
065243 County Road 3 |
Concession A, Pt Lot 6 |
Application to remove the Holding 1 (H1) symbol subject to satisfying the applicable requirements of Zoning By-Law Amendment 15-2024.
Public Meeting is not required for Holding Removal Applications. Matter dealt with at the June 25, 2024 Council Meeting.
2023 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
13-Jun-23 |
Township-Initiated Zoning By-Law Amendment (Township Wide) |
26-2023 |
Township Wide |
Not Applicable |
To bring the Township Zoning By-Law into conformance with Township Official Plan Amendment No. 8 and Provincial legislation with respect to Accessory Dwelling Units and modifications to certain zone standards including lot coverage, setbacks, and lot areas, to reflect current development standards. |
12-Sept-23 |
Agricultural (A), Rural (RU), Rural Residential Exception Ten Holding (RU-10-H) and Environmental Protection |
33-2023 |
391405 18th Line |
Concession 19, West Part Lots 7 and 8
(Severed Lots: Concession 19, Part Lot 7, 7R-6836 Part 6 and Concession 19, Part Lot 7, 7R-6836 Part 7)
To rezone a portion of the lands to bring the zoning into conformity with the Official Plan as a condition of Consent Applications B1-23 and B2-23 |
24-Jan-24 |
Rural Residential (RR) |
5-2024 |
Part Lot 12, Concession 13, Part 2 RP 7R-6787
To rezone a portion of the lands from Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential (RR) to align with the beneficiary lands as a condition of Consent Application B1-22 |
2022 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
22-Mar-22 |
Estate Residential Exception Thirty Four (ER-34) |
17-2022 |
6 Hilltop Cres |
Plan 111, Lot 15 |
To permit a minimum required front yard setback of 23m and a minimum exterior side yard setback of 28m for a proposed addition to the existing dwelling. |
12-Apr-22 |
Rural Residential Exception Forty (RR-40) |
20-2022 |
Concession 16, Part Lot 5, RP 7R2815 Part 2 |
To permit a reduced minimum lot area, lot frontage, exterior side yard and rear yard and an increased maximum lot coverage. |
19-Jul-22 |
Rural Residential Exception Twenty Seven (RR-27) |
44-2022 |
431139 19th Line |
Concession A, W Pt Lot 6 7R3213 |
To permit the following for a proposed accessory building:
• reduced minimum front yard setback
• reduced minimum interior side yard setback
• increased maximum lot coverage percentage
• increased maximum height
In addition, the Zoning By-Law Amendment is to recognize the existing reduced lot frontage and reduced lot area. |
19-Jul-22 |
Agricultural Exception Fifteen (A-15) |
45-2022 |
351591 17th Line |
Concession 18, N PT Lot 10 |
To rezone a portion of the lands to permit a reduced minimum front yard setback for a proposed replacement dwelling.
19-Jul-22 |
Business Park Exception Four (BP-4) |
46-2022 |
065379 Dufferin County Road 3 |
Concession B, East Part Lot 6 |
To permit an increased maximum height and increased the maximum lot coverage for a proposed expansion of the existing industrial/warehouse facility.
13-Sep-22 |
Estate Residential Exception Thirty Five (ER-35) |
54-2022 |
2 Northridge Drive
Plan 7M77 Lot 6
To permit a reduced interior side yard setback for an accessory structure.
13-Sep-22 |
Rural Residential Exception Forty Three (RR-43) |
55-2022 |
032429 9th Line |
Concession 10, W Pt Lot 18 RP 7R3476 Part 2 |
To permit an increased maximum height for an accessory building.
13-Sep-22 |
Rural (RU) and Environmental Protection (EP) |
56-2022 |
022189 Erin-East Garafraxa Tline |
Con 12 W Pt Lot 1 RP 7R1763 |
Condition of Consent (severance) Application file B6-21.
To conform with the Township Official Plan on the proposed severed and retained lands and to establish a developable building envelope on the severed lands.
12-Oct-22 |
Estate Residential Exception Eighteen (ER-18) |
59-2022 |
35 Nature's Landing Drive
Plan 7M63 Lot 1 |
To permit a minimum exterior side yard of 11.4m for an accessory structure. |
2021 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Rural Residential Exception Thirty-Seven (RR-37)
205060 COUNTY RD 109
Concession 19, Lot 10
To rezone a portion of the Environmental Protection (EP) to Rural Residential Exception Thirty-Seven (RR-37) Zone to permit an addition to an existing accessory building
Rural Residential Exception Thirty-Eight (RR-38)(A)
311547 16th Line
Concession 17, West Part Lot 9 PCL 2
To increase the maximum height for an accessory building
Rural Exception Seven (RU-7), Rural Exception Eight (RU-8) and Rural Exception Nine (RU-9)
271317 15th Line
Concession 16, West Part Lot 6
Condition of Consent Applications B1-21 & B2-21. To rezone a portion of the lands from Environmental Protection to Rural, see by-law for details.
Rural Exception Six (RU-6)
Concession 16, West Part Lot 10
To rezone a portion of the property to allow for the development of a single family dwelling and required amenities and to establish a 30 metre setback to the boundary of the Environmental Protection Zone (EP)
Z6-21 & Z7-21
- Rural Residential Exception Thirty- Eight (RR-38)(B)
- Rural Residential Exception Thirty- Nine (RR-39)
- Agricultural Exception Twelve (A-12) Zone
351394 17th Line
Concession 17, East Part Lot 7
Requirement/Conditions of Consent Application Files B3-20 and B4-20
- To permit a reduced minimum lot area and rear yard setback and an increased maximum lot coverage and accessory building height
- To permit a reduced minimum lot area and lot frontage and increased lot coverage
- To permit a reduced minimum lot area and lot frontage and a single detached dwelling shall not be a permitted use
Estate Residential Exception Thirty Three (ER-33)
6 Greenwood Crescent
Plan 115 Lot 16
To permit a reduced minimum front yard setback of 27.94m for a proposed addition to the existing dwelling
20-July-21 |
Environmental Protection (EP) and Agricultural (A) |
50-2021 |
311323 16th Line |
Concession 17, West Part Lot 6 |
To rezone a portion of the subject property from Environmental Protection (EP) to Agricultural (A) to permit a proposed addition to the existing dwelling |
Estates Residential Exception Thirty One (ER-31)
Forest Hill Estates Subdivision |
Part of Lot 1, Concession 'B'
To remove the Holding (H) Provision from the Estate Residential Exception Thirty One (ER-31(H)) Zone (Forest Hill Estates Plan of Subdivision)
Agricultural Exception Thirteen (A-13) and Rural Residential Exception Forty One (RR-41)
351564 17th Line |
Concession 17, East Part Lot 10 |
Condition of Surplus Farm Dwelling Severance Application File B4-21, see By-Law 31-2022 for details |
Agricultural Exception Fourteen (A-14) and Rural Residential Exception Forty Two (RR-42)
32-2022 |
351520 17th Line |
Concession 17, East Part Lot 9 |
Condition of Surplus Farm Dwelling Severance Application File B5-21, See By-Law 32-2022 for details |
Estate Residential Exception Thirty One (ER-31)
6-2022 |
3 Forest Hill Lane |
Plan 7M77 Lot 12 |
To permit a reduced front yard setback from 17.8m to 13.58m for a proposed dwelling and 12.43m for a proposed porch, and to permit a reduced rear yard setback from 15m to 14.11m for the proposed dwelling. |
2020 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
- Agricultural Exception Ten (A-10) - Concession 15, Part Lot 4, RP 7R6654 Part 3
- Rural Residential Exception Thirty-Five (RR-35) - Concession 15, Part Lot 4, RP 7R6654 Part 2
271222 15th Line
- Concession 15, Part Lot 4, RP 7R6654 Part 3
- Concession 15, Part Lot 4, RP 7R6654 Part 2
Requirement/Condition of Consent Application File B1-20
- To prohibit new residential dwellings
- To reduce the minimum lot area and front yard setback
- Agricultural Exception Eleven (A-11)
- Rural Residential Exception Thirty-Six (RR-36)
271074 15th Line
- Concession 15, Part Lot 2, RP 7R5227 Part 3 and 7R5309 Part 1
- Concession 15, Part Lot 2, RP 7R6655 Part 2
Requirement/ Condition of Consent Application File B2-20
- To prohibit new residential dwellings
- To reduce the minimum lot area, lot frontage and rear yard setback
Rural Residential Exception - RR-33
Concession 17, Part Lot 1, Parcel 3
Exemption of MDS 1 for proposed dwelling
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Nine (RR-29)
102388 10 Sideroad
Concession 13, East Part Lot 10, DESC INCL RP 7R4497 Part 4
To increase the maximum lot coverage percentage for a proposed addition to the existing dwelling
Agricultural Exception A-9
112113 11th Line
Concession 12 West Part Lot 12
Seasonal wedding and event venue as an on-farm diversified use with a parking lot on grass and a minimum of 50 parking spaces and subject to an application for Site Plan Approval
Estate Residential Exception Thirty-Two (ER-32)
7 Woodland Drive
Plan 111, Lot 7
Detached Garage Closer to the Front Lot Line than the Principal Dwelling
Rural Residential Exception Thirty-Four (RR-34)
102361 10 Sideroad
Concession 13, East Part Lot 11, RP 7R3546 Part 1
Reduced Rear Yard Lot Line for Proposed Deck & Patio
Rural (RU) and Environmental Protection (EP)
111103 11th Line
Concession 12, South West Part, Lot 2, RP 7R5851 Part 1
To rezone a portion of the property from EP to Rural
General Commercial Exception Three Holding (CG-3 (H))
152457 County Road 5
Concession 13, West Part, Lot 18, RP 7R1579 Part 1 and 7R4339 Part 1
- Estate Residential Exception Thirty-Six (ER-36) Zone,
- Estate Residential Exception Thirty-Seven (ER-37) Zone,
- Estate Residential Exception Thirty-Eight HOLDING (ER-38-H) Zone,
- Estate Residential (ER) Zone, and
- Environmental Protection (EP) Zone.
7-2024 |
471019 A Line, Part of the West Half of Lot 1, Concession ‘B’ |
Associated with Draft Plan of Subdivision file S2-20 (Pine Ridge) |
General Commercial Exception Four (CG-4)
152457 County Road 5
Concession 13, West Part, Lot 18, RP 7R1579 Part 1 and 7R4339 Part 1
to permit a secondary dwelling unit in an existing accessory building
2019 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Rural Residential Exception Thirty (RR-30)
191180 13th Line
Concession 13, Part Lot 3
To permit a secondary dwelling unit in an existing accessory building
Rural Residential Exception Thirty-One (RR-31)
063237 County Road 3
Concession 5, Part Lot 15, Part 2 on 7R5916
To permit an increased maximum height for a proposed accessory building
Hamlet Residential Exception One (HR-1)
063011 County Road 3
Lot 4 Plan 103; and Part of Mary Street, Plan 103, designated as Part 2 on 7R6549
To change the land use to residential and to permit a reduced lot area and reduced front yard setback. Related Application OPA1-19 - Official Plan Amendment No. 7 (OPA#7)
Rural Residential Exception Thirty-Two (RR-32)
032794 9th Line
Concession 9, East Part Lot 24, RP 7R2799 Part 2
To increase the maximum height for a proposed accessory building and to increase the lot coverage percentage
Extractive Industrial Exception Two (MX-2)
311543 17th Line and 391090 18th Line
East Part of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 18, and West Part of Lot 3, Concession 18
To remove the Holding (H) symbol/provision
Extractive Industrial Exception Three (MX-3)
42-2019 as amended by By-Law 4-2020
E Pt Lot 1, Con 18 and W Pt lot 2, Con 17
To remove the Holding (H) symbol/provision
2018 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Eight (RR-28)
431366 19th Line
Concession 19, Part Lot 7
To reduce the side yard setback and increase the lot coverage percentage for a proposed house addition
Agricultural Exception Eight (A-8) and Environmental Protection (EP)
112062 11th Line
Concession 11, Part Lot 12
To reduce the side yard setback for a proposed dwelling
Rural Exception Four (RU-4) and Environmental Protection
471061 A Line
Concession B, Part Lots 1 and 2
To permit an increased maximum height and to reduce the setback to a wetland boundary for a proposed accessory building
Rural Exception Five (RU-5) and Environmental Protection (EP)
231439 County Road 24/Trafalgar Road
Concession 15, Part Lot 8
To permit a reduced minimum gross floor area for a proposed dwelling
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Nine (RR-29)
102388 10 Sideroad
Concession 13, Part Lot 10
To permit a reduced minimum rear yard setback and increase the maximum lot coverage percentage for a proposed addition to the existing dwelling
2017 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Business Park Exception Four (BP-4) (H) Holding
065379 County Road 3
Concession B, Part Lot 6
To permit an increased maximum height and reduction of on-site vehicle parking
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Five (RR-25) and Environmental Protection (EP)
031107 9th Line
Concession 10, West Part Lot 2, Part 3 on 7R1690
To permit an increased maximum height for a proposed detached garage
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Six (RR-26)
064266 County Road 3
Con 17 East Part Lot 5
To permit a secondary dwelling unit
Rural Residential Twenty-Seven (RR-27)
431361 19th Line
Con A PT Lot 6 7R3213 Part 2
To allow a reduced side yard setback for a proposed addition and covered porch
Business Park Exception Four (BP-4)
065379 County Road 3
Con B E Pt Lot 6
To remove the Holding (H) symbol/provision
2016 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Business Park (BP)
Concession A, East Part Lot 7, RP 7R5619 Part 1
To remove of the Holding (H) symbol/provision
2015 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Extractive Industrial Exception Two Holding (H) (MX-2(H))
Concession 18 Part East Part Lots 2 and 3 and Concession 18, West Part Lot 3
See copy of By-Law 28-2018 for details
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Two (RR-22)
Concession 11, Part Lot 11, RP 7R5160 PART 2
To rezone an existing lot of record from Agricultural (A) to Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Two (RR-22) to permit a reduced minimum frontage
Business Park Exception Three (H) (BP-3(H))
Concession B, Part East and West Part Lots 6 and 7
To rezone lands currently zoned Rural (RU) to Business Park (BP), in accordance with existing Official Plan Designation of these lands as Employment Lands
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Three (RR-23)
Concession 13 West Part Lot 6, 7R4542 Part 2
To permit an accessory building prior to the principal dwelling and to reduce the minimum front yard and rear yard setbacks
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-Four (RR-24)
061229 County Road 3
Concession 10, Part Lot 6
To permit a reduced minimum front yard setback for an accessory building and to increase the lot coverage percentage
Rural Exception Three (RU-3)
071076 10th Line
Concession 10, East Part Lot 2, 7R3945 PART 2
To rezone a portion of the subject property to allow a small-scale industrial use, for the processing of logs into firewood
2014 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Rural Residential Exception Twenty-One (RR-21)
111472 11th Line
Concession 11, East Part Lot 8, 7R3355 Part 1
To increase the lot coverage percentage
Estate Residential Exception Thirty-One (ER-31(H)) Holding
Concession B, West Part Lot 1
To develop a proposed estate residential subdivision consisting of 12 residential lots, an internal road, a park and open space block – Forest Hill Estates Subdivision (S2-14)
Estate Residential Exception Eighteen to Thirty (ER-18 to ER-30)
Concession A, Part Lot 1
To remove the Holding (H) symbol/provisions – Nature’s Landing West Subdivision
2013 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Open Space Exception One (OS-1)
6 John Street
Concession 11, Part Lot 1
To rezone Orton Park from Rural to Open Space Exception which will permit a public park and accessory structures
Rural Residential Exception Twenty (RR-20)
064210 County Road 3
Concession 17, East Part Lot 5, Parcel 2
To increase the maximum height for a proposed accessory building
2012 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Highway Commercial Exception Seven (CH-7)
202350 County Road 109
Concession 13, Lots 19 & 20
To add three additional uses, Bulk Fuel Depot, Fuel Card Lock, Equipment Sales and Servicing, to those uses currently permitted by the Highway Commercial Exception Two (CH-2) Zone to accommodate the relocation of Arthurs Fuels from its current location
Extractive Industrial Exception Three Holding (MX-3(H))
Concession 17, West Part Lot 2
To permit the expansion of two existing aggregate operations – Related Application OPA2/12 - Official Plan Amendment No. 6 (OPA#6)
Extractive Industrial Exception Two Holding (MX-2(H))
Concession 18, East Part Lot 1
To permit the expansion of two existing aggregate operations – Related Application OPA3/12 - Official Plan Amendment No. 6 (OPA#6)
Environmental Protection Exception Four (EP-4)
Concession A, West Part Lot 1 (19th Line)
To permit the construction of a pavilion (open air shelter) and vault privy replacement within the Environmental Protection Zone
Rural Residential Exception Eighteen (RR-18)
431094 19th Line
Concession 19, Part Lot 3
To increase the maximum height for a proposed accessory building
Rural Residential Exception Nineteen (RR-19)
063225 County Road 3
Concession 15, East Part Lot 5
To increase the maximum height for a proposed accessory building
2011 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Hamlet Residential (HR) and Environmental Protection (EP)
5 John Street
Concession 11, West Part Lot 1
To rezone a portion of the subject property currently zoned Rural, to Hamlet Residential, pursuant to condition of Consent Application B3/10.
2010 |
Application File
Public Meeting
Legal Description
Industrial (M1)
071213 10th Line
Concession 11, West Part Lot 4, 7R4847 Part 2
To rezone a portion of the subject property zoned Rural to Industrial
Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Application for Zoning By-law Amendment / Temporary Use / Holding Removal form.
Official Plan |
The Official Plan contains objectives and policies established primarily to provide guidance or the development of a municipality. Official Plan Amendments may be obtained from time to time by following the applicable amendment process. Information can be obtained at the Municipal Office and forms available below.
Please visit our Applications, Licences and Permits webpage for the Application for an Official Plan Amendment.
Due to COVID-19 the Township is accepting Planning Applications electronically only. Please contact the office for more information.
Official Plan Amendment No. 9
County of Dufferin Decision
County of Dufferin By-Law 2022-44 being a by-law to approve Official Plan Amendment No. 9 (OPA#9) to the Township of East Garafraxa Official Plan and Notice of Decision dated October 24, 2022.
Notice of Adoption
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Garafraxa passed By-law No. 40-2022 on the 19th day of July, 2022 pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended, to adopt Amendment No. 9 to the Township of East Garafraxa Official Plan. The amendment applies to the lands of the Township of East Garafraxa in their entirety.
AND TAKE NOTICE that Official Plan Amendment No. 9 requires approval from the County of Dufferin, which is the approval authority under the Planning Act. Any person or public body will be entitled to receive notice of the decision of the approval authority if a written request to be notified of the decision (including the person’s or public body’s address, fax number or email address) is made to the approval authority at the following address:
County of Dufferin Development and Tourism 30 Centre Street, Orangeville, ON L9W 2X1
Click here for a full copy of the Notice of Adoption dated July 25, 2022.
Public Meeting
In accordance with Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, a statutory public meeting is being held concerning a Township Official Plan Amendment which proposes a number of revisions to the Official Plan. The proposed revisions are intended to assist the Township in its ability to process planning applications in a timely manner to enable the Township to provide decisions within the statutory timelines of the Planning Act as amended by the More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022.
This Notice is being given in accordance with Planning Act requirements. A final recommendation on the amendment will not be presented until after the Public Meeting and all technical comments have been received.
Please be advised that all Council and Statutory Public Meetings are being held virtually/electronically at this time. Questions and comments can be submitted by email or mail to Susan M. Stone between Thursday, June 2, 2022 and Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at the address below. The public meeting is being held electronically through Zoom and will be available for public viewing, please register at the following link.
The Public Meeting date and time are as follows:
MEETING DATE and TIME: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
For more information please see the Notice of Public Meeting dated May 31, 2022.
A copy of the draft Official Plan Amendment File OPA 9 is available at the following link.
Official Plan Amendment No.8
County of Dufferin Declaration of No Appeal dated May 3, 2021 with respect to Official Plan Amendment No. 8 (OPA#8).
County of Dufferin By-Law 2021-19 being a by-law to approve Official Plan Amendment No. 8 (OPA#8) and Notice of Decision dated April 9, 2021.
Notice of Adoption dated January 6, 2021 with respect to By-Law 50-2020 being a by-law for the adoption of an amendment to the Township of East Garafraxa Official Plan (Amendment No. 8).
Septic System
If you require information on a private septic system installed on a property that you own, you can obtain that information by calling the Dufferin County Building Services at 519-941-2816 ext. 2700 or by emailing
W. & M. Edelbrock CentreDufferin County Building Department 30 Centre Street Orangeville, ON L9W 2X1 519-941-2816 ext. 2700
Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
A team member will ask you questions about the property to verify your identity prior to completing a search. They will require proof of ownership or signing authority for the property.