The Marsville water system is monitored by Dufferin Water Co., in the event that the water system stops working an alarm is sent to the contact person at the company, who will work as quickly as possible to restore any water outages.
Water Restrictions |
A reminder that there are Water Systems Restrictions/Regulations in place for the Marsville Water System. Marsville Water Restrictions are in place for watering your lawns and gardens; please conserve water by following the regulations pursuant to Township By-Law 34-2006. |
Financial Plan and Water Rates |
On May 26, 2020 the Council of the Township of East Garafraxa approved the Financial Plan prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. dated May 20, 2020, for the Municipal Water System within the Township, pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 (O. Reg. 453/07, section 3 (1) 1.). Water Rate Financial Plan dated May 20, 2020 2015Council of the Township of East Garafraxa at a regular meeting of Council held May 12, 2015 passed the following resolutions: MOVED BY STIRK, SECONDED BY PINKNEY BE IT RESOLVED THAT:
Rates Effective to December 31, 2020Council of the Township of East Garafraxa adopted a By-Law to establish fees and charges for Municipal Water Services upon the owners or occupants of lands and premises connected to the Municipal Water System within the Township, and to provide for cost recover of remedial action undertaken by the Township in respect of the Municipal Water System. WATER RATE BY-LAW EFFECTIVE TO DECEMBER 31, 2020 AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW Rates Effective as of January 1, 2021On May 26, 2020 Council of the Township of East Garafraxa a By-Law to establish fees and charges for Municipal Water Services upon the owners or occupants of lands and premises connected to the Municipal Water System within the Township, and to provide for cost recover of remedial action undertaken by the Township in respect of the Municipal Water System as of January 1, 2021. WATER RATES BY-LAW EFFECTIVE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW
Annual Reporting |
The Township of East Garafraxa is proud to present the Annual Reports for the Marsville Water System for 2023. The reports summarize the source of your water supply, the treatment process and the results for hundreds of parameters tested during the quarter including any "Adverse Water Notifications" issued during the reporting period.
The reports are also available upon request, without charge, at the Municipal Office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please see the following link for the Marsville Quality Management System Policy. |
Private Wells |
Information and rules for residential well (private wells) owners with respect to the proper location, construction, maintenance and abandonment of a well - Provincial website. |