The Township of East Garafraxa enacted By-law 14-2015 to Prohibit or Regulate the Placing or Dumping of Fill, Removal of Topsoil and the Alteration of the Grade of Land on sites across the municipality.
Permits may also be required from the Conservation Authorities for fill placement, even if exempt under the Bylaw .
We offer the following advice to Landowners who are considering bringing fill onto their properties or who are being approached by companies offering to deposit fill on their properties:
- Landowners must consult with the Township, and other agencies noted above, to ensure that either permits have been received or permits are available from the Township (unless the filling proposal is exempt under the By-law).
- Landowners are responsible for fill placed on their property illegally and the landowners will be prosecuted by the Municipality.
- Landowners are responsible for the quality of fill entering their properties, and the potential environmental and financial liability for, and clean-up of, contaminated fill.
- Clean up of contaminated sites can result in significant costs being incurred by the landowners to restore the properties.